We help our clients recruit field teams for their field-based projects. Our field team has years of experience of carrying out social sector projects. They are adept in using tablets and smartphones in the field to collect data or impart information to the community. They are well trained in techniques of asking sensitive questions involving sexual and reproductive health, domestic abuse etc.
For large scale field deployment, we also provide field supervisors and coordinator to manage the teams on the ground and ensure data quality and enforcement of ethical protocols.
We also provide consultants and sector experts for designing programs, research assignment, project bidding etc. We have an experienced pool of consultants and sector experts from various social and natural sciences background. Our experts and consultants are from the following backgrounds:
- Gender Studies
- Agriculture and Organic farming
- Livelihoods
- Education
- Data Collection
- Translations (Indian Languages)
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Action Research
- Data Science
- Project Implementation
- App Development and Tech-based solutions
- Psychoanalysis and Social Work
- Health
- Language Translations
- Transcribers
We also help our development sector partners in the recruitment and selection of employees. We deploy an intensive end-to-end recruitment and selection process that includes preparing and reviewing job descriptions, sourcing, screening & short-listing candidates, conducting preliminary interviews, offer management & reference checks.
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Centre for Data Collection and Research (CDCR))